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Understanding Data Privacy: Essential Tips For New Zealand Digital Marketing Agencies


Data privacy is a term used to describe how personal information is used and spread across platforms. It is essential to understand data privacy because it protects personal information such as name, address, email, contact info & sometimes billing information. Not just this, the data that’s collected from users is further used to create detailed profiles of lives and preferences. 

Understand Data Privacy 

  • Data privacy is always important in order to help organisations get consent to user’s data and across platforms.
  • Data privacy focuses on the rights of individuals, while data security focuses on protecting data from unauthorised access. 
  • Data privacy is about respecting and following rules when handling personal data, while data protection is about keeping that information safe. 
  • Data privacy is part of the larger topic of data governance, which involves knowing what data an organisation has, where it’s stored, and how it’s used. 
  • Data privacy involves complying with privacy regulations and respecting individuals’ privacy preferences. 
  • Data privacy involves getting consent from data subjects when necessary. 
  • Data privacy also explains transparently how data is used.

Importance of Data Privacy For Digital Marketing Agencies New Zealand  

Data privacy safeguards individuals personal info from unauthorised access so that risky information like credit card information, health information & sensitive data remains secure. 

  • Data privacy is crucial for maintaining trust between businesses. 
  • When we prioritise data privacy, we build credibility and trust to help commit to protecting the private information of their users. 
  • Several legal and regulatory compliance implement measures to protect individual’s privacy needs. 
  • Data privacy is the new innovation. It enables individuals to trust that their data is handled securely. This data can be used to derive valuable insights and derive valuable research. 
  • Data privacy helps people confide in protecting their data. This also helps that data is not misused or abused by any third party. 

How To Protect Your Data From Getting Invaded: 

  1. Use strong passwords and keep your software updated. 
  1. Avoid using obvious phrases or the same password for multiple accounts. 
  1. Software updates often include security patches that can help prevent hackers from compromising your data. 
  1. Backup your data & secure your Wi-Fi. 
  1. Backing up your data can help protect against accidental loss, data breaches, viruses, and cybercriminals. 
  1. An unsecured network can make it easy for people to access your data and steal it from your devices. 
  1. Don’t click on suspicious links or respond to unsolicited requests for sensitive information. 
  1. Review social media privacy settings. 
  1. Regularly review and adjust your privacy settings, and limit the permissions you grant to third-party apps. 
  1. Authentication is a process that verifies the identity of people or entities trying to access private information.

Keeping private information secure is of paramount concern for many. The lack of control on anyone’s personal information can put their valuable assets and sensitive information at risk. Learn more about data privacy from the topnotch digital marketing agency in Auckland, New Zealand. It is necessary to stay updated with the emerging threats of identity frauds and ensure that your information is safe and secure with your agency.

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