Digital Marketing Agency Of Thriving Businesses In Auckland

Get a customised, performance-oriented digital marketing strategy to accelerate your business' growth.

Our Digital Marketing Never Fades

Digital Market Agency

We are the next generation of the digital marketing world.

We think of the right idea at the right time. With a strong digital marketing strategy in place, we help you build a robust online presence.

We offer custom website design, SEO, social media, PPC, web development and others that bring sales on repeat. With us you get to enjoy recurring revenue and increased online reach.

With an experience of 15 years, we’ve a fair understanding of the digital landscape. This includes monitoring trends and developing futuristic marketing strategies with ROI-boosting techniques.

Get guaranteed marketing results from a trusted digital marketing agency in New Zealand.

Digital Marketing That Goes Hand-In-Hand With ROI

Digital Market Agency

Getting your brand noticed has become more competitive than ever. But for a business like yours, we have better things in store.

As the growth-obsessed marketers at The Tech Tales, we craft the most unique solutions to propel your online presence. Our Digital marketing services NZ consist of a range of digital strategies, techniques, and campaigns that are targeted to engage your audience and turn their interaction into revenue. We cater to SEO, content strategy, websites, social media, and resurrecting your current digital marketing plan to make it perform like never before!

Your Goals, Our Expertise

Putting our digital prowess to work as we speak. See what we can do for you with our capabilities.

  • I want to improve my website's conversion rate.
  • I wish to sell my products online.
  • I want to be discoverable on Google.

The Complete Solution to Everything Digital

Don’t settle for the bluff-laden, hardly discerning, vague tactics of claiming-to-be marketi specialists. You can do better. Partner with the OGs of digital media, who have been in the industry for more than 15 years and know trends like the back of their hands.

  • Search Engine Optimisation

    The Tech Tales can get you on Google's first page by employing authentic and tested white-hat Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. Our SEO Services in New Zealand include a comprehensive competitor analysis as well as an on-page audit.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Supercharge your Google Ads campaigns, Display Marketing, Paid Social (Facebook, Instagram), with the best SEM Company in New Zealand.

  • Social Media Marketing

    As a trusted Social Media Marketing Agency in Auckland, we understand what people want. With 125+ social media profiles strategized, managed and grown all by us, we are the best marketer for you.

  • Content Marketing

    The Tech Tales in-house team of content strategists and marketers collaborate to get you the most out of our information-rich content. From marketing copies that sell to writing engaging blogs & PR articles, we have your back!

  • Google Ads Management

    We’re the Best Paid Media Agency in Auckland. Our experience in Google Ads can generate traffic for your website & boost your sales. Let us take over your online ads where we improve the quality score of your Ads like a pro. Get ready to Rank #1 on the world’s most used search engine.

Our Approach

Want digital solutions that enrich your users’ experiences? Count us in. As the top digital marketing company, we specialise in turning ideas into action, which is made possible by our team of experienced thinkers, doers, and planners. We specialise in converting ideas into action as the best digital marketing business, which is made possible by a team of experienced thinkers, doers, and planners. Our tried-and-true methods have been refined over the last 15 years and serve as a solid foundation for the launch of your next digital initiative.

  • Understanding your project

    What are you attempting to solve? How do you plan to tackle it? We delve into the nitty-gritty of your project to create a high-level picture of your solution through user research, brainstorming meetings, and user testing. Knowing what differentiates you from the competition, who your target audience is, any roadblocks you have, and what you hope to achieve by partnering with a digital strategy firm can help us create your marketing strategy from the start.

  • Adding Value

    Any other digital agency Auckland may serve as an order filler for its clients, such as a couple of blogs here, a website there, or a one-time PPC campaign. The Tech Tales goes above and beyond deliverables; we strive to add value to our clients with our thoughtfully designed digital strategy. Our digital marketing consultant team and an actionable strategy that allows you to see what we can accomplish make all the difference.

  • Creating a customised digital approach

    Data provides us with critical industry insights. Thanks to our deep-rooted knowledge and up-to-date & reliable technologies that help us deliver measurable, predictable results. These insights will assist us in developing a tailored online strategy, rather than a "one-size-fits-all" approach.

  • Collaboration

    We believe in addressing gaps in your current NZ digital marketing efforts and offering unique solutions to increase your online earnings. Consider us an extension of your own marketing team rather than a third party agency, and let us collaborate to help you grow your business.

  • Putting Your Growth First

    We like to keep things transparent. At every level of your digital strategy's implementation, you’re informed of potential outcomes that enable us to make critical decisions based on them. With a long-term performance plan in place, our business-minded professionals can support the growth of your organisation and assist you in making crucial choices.

Conceptualising Your Brand Story With The Best Of Technology

We assist you in developing a successful plan based on the digital channels that are best-suited for your goals.

  • Digital Marketing Consultancy


    Search engine optimization is more than creating a handful of backlinks. With our authentic White-hat SEO techniques and connections with some of the world's largest publications and brands, we can provide our clients with the most up-to-date tools, features, and data that help their website rank 1st on search engines.

  • skilled valuable staff

    Web development & design

    We perfected the skill of developing cutting-edge functional and attractive websites for start-ups and well-established enterprises around New Zealand covering industries such as IT, e-commerce, hotel, trade, and beyond after years of growth in the digital realm.

  • media platform strategies


    We brew unique ideas, generate crisp, consumable content, and execute viral marketing campaigns that produce remarkable outcomes for our clients and inspire the people who matter most to our brands.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is digital marketing important for me? +

    Digital marketing can help companies reach more people, make more money, and get along better with their current and potential customers. While both traditional and digital marketing campaigns have the same goal in mind, digital marketing allows brands to target a more specific or niche audience and is easier to measure results.
  • What is the role of a digital marketing agency? +

    A digital marketing agency helps businesses build their brands and grow their digital footprints through a variety of digital channels.
  • What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? +

    Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of optimising your website according to Google’s mandates to improve your website’s visibility on the internet. Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing use algorithms to figure out which pages have the most relevant results, and those pages show up first in search results.

    SEO is an important part of strategic digital marketing and it makes sure that your customers discover your website whenever they are searching for products or services that you sell.
  • How much time should I devote to social media marketing? +

    This is heavily influenced by your brand and where you are marketing. One thing we can say is that brands often don't give themselves enough time to make a successful social media marketing campaign. With proper analysis on the targeted audience, and aligning campaign’s purpose with it, you can expect great results.

    Our team works several hours per week to create graphics, write content, interact with other brands, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends.
  • Which social media platforms are best for my company? +

    While social media presence is important for all businesses, each has unique social media needs and strategies. According to one internet marketing agency, Facebook will be the best business platform, whereas Instagram may be better for others. To determine which platform is best for your company, you must first identify your target audience and social media objectives.
  • What pages should my website have? +

    Every small business is unique, and each website will be unique as well. Developing a new website can be a daunting task, but we are here to help. Every website should have the following elements: a homepage, an "About Us” page, a "contact" page, pages for products/services, FAQs, and testimonials.

    Aside from the basics, every business should include unique and relevant web pages. Every small business is unique, which means every website is unique. This is why The Tech Tales is a marketing agency Auckland that delivers personalized web solutions by analysing the nature of your business and its offerings, so you can make the most of sales and customer visits online.
  • How does a website boost sales? +

    The best way for a website to boost sales is to make it easy for users to shop for products and services. Small businesses can encourage consumers to switch from window-shopping to purchasing by using pop-up offers and special online discounts.

    Users are quickly turning to company websites for all of their shopping needs. This is because there are more reasons to buy, and the product descriptions are clear and to the point.
  • What is On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO? +

    On-page SEO refers to SEO approaches that focus on improving areas of your website that you have control over. It means directly working on the website, like optimising content and images, inserting meta tags, and more, to help Google crawlers run over your website. Off-page SEO refers to methods that are done outside the website to improve its SERP rankings, like improving domain authority, backlinks, and other factors.
  • How do you select keywords? +

    Digital Marketing Services NZ is all about the right keywords and our SEO professionals understand it. We select keywords using a variety of tools. Google Search Console, Ahrefs, Moz, and Ubersuggest are some of the most popular. We may also make recommendations based on what a client wants to rank for.
  • Is a website really necessary? +

    Yes! While word of mouth is valuable, the majority of consumers find and research companies online before making any purchases. An online presence lends credibility to your company and raises brand awareness. Websites can also be used for different kinds of marketing, like e-commerce, online customer service, and getting customers involved.
  • What exactly is the distinction between digital marketing and digital advertising? +

    Businesses can use digital marketing to get more people to know about their brand, share information about their products, interact with their customers, and keep an eye on their online reputation. Businesses can advertise and promote their products, offer discounts or specials, and bring in new customers with digital advertising. discounts or specials, and attract new customers. Digital marketing creates a target audience of consumers, while online advertising turns that audience into customers.
  • How frequently should I update my website's content? +

    Companies should publish new blogs at least twice a month as a general rule of thumb. Blogs are important if you want to keep your website up-to-date with the kind of fresh, relevant information that search engines like.

    If any important news or information is released, it should be posted as soon as possible. As the company grows and changes, the content of pillar pages and landing pages should be changed often.
  • What is local SEO? +

    Local SEO, is simply SEO for local results. It is more helpful if you have a business set up in a particular location. Local SEO helps improve your visibility online and tells your customers that you have what they need: by showing picture listings of the products they search for.

    A search for "shoes," for example, will produce very different results than a search for "shoes near me." Companies should keep their Google My Business profile up to date because local searches frequently include locations.
Boost Your Online Presence!